Find Your Why

Find Support, Motivation, and Inspiration

You might be in practice alone, but you’re not alone.  People are social by nature.  One of the keys to behavior change is to surround yourself with like-minded people who will provide support, motivation, and inspiration.  Our Facebook closed community page is the place to bounce ideas off trusted colleagues, explore ways to grow and market your practice, and just have fun.

Individual Coaching and Mentoring

Want to take your business to the next level?  You are unique, and the values that drew you to your career are perfect for you.  Why not also build a practice that is perfect for you?  By tapping into your values, you can align your business with your value system.  Thus aligned, you’ll communicate your work, your policies and procedures, and your fees with integrity, in a way that is authentic and establishes the perfect boundaries for you.
Work with me individually to define YOUR Intentional Private Practice.  Through mindful exploration of your values and an analysis of the unique lens on your passions provided by your emotions, we will craft an indivdualized plan for personal growth together.  By tapping into your values, you can align your business with your value system.  Thus aligned, you’ll communicate your work, your policies and procedures, and your fees with integrity, in a way that is authentic and establishes the perfect boundaries for you.  We’ll set attainable goals broken down into specific behaviors to encorporate new work habits and business policies seamlessly into your practice.  I’ll be your cheerleader, problem-solver, and accountability partner along the way.  Need consultation on clinical issues?  With 20 years of doctoral level practice experience, I can help you there, too!

Small Group Coaching and Trainings

Groups have the opportunity to form a unique and dynamic synergy, helping us to view the world and change in unparalleled ways.  I love supporting groups of like-minded professionals to focus on changing within a specific area of our practice.  Small groups are also a great way to focus on attaining a new skill.  Let me know your interest as groups are always forming!  Following our FaceBook page and Community, and subscribing to our newsletter, are great ways to stay informed about future offerings.

Kick Start Group Coaching: Waitlist Applications

Everything you need to launch, grow, or re-define your practice in a way that reflects your unique values with emotionally and financially sustainable growth.  Grab a seat on the waitlist and you’ll be the first to find out when we open enrollment, with first dibs at early bird bonuses!