Intentional Private Practice: Get Organized with the Trello Workshop

Welcome!  I’m Dr. Kim Dwyer and

I Love Organizing with Trello!

It’s taken my practice from a wing and a prayer marketing strategy to consistent systems that work.

I’ve been in private practice for over ten years, with over twenty years post Ph.D. “in the trenches” experience. I grew my practice from the ground up.  I’m the first to admit I made some mistakes along the way.  

I’m passionate about supporting private practice builders and relationship-centered business owners who are launching, growing, and refining their work.  I love to share what I’ve learned and what’s worked for me, and help YOU individualize systems to apply to your unique circumstances.

In the Trello Workshop, I’ll orient you to what you can do with this tool, and show you my favorite ways to manage my work using Trello.  I’ll also share some of my top Trello boards that you can use as templates and immediately customize for your own work!  With my templates, you’ll be up and running in Trello before you can say, well, Trello!


What is included in the Trello Workshop?

90 Minute Workshop

Recorded video that you can watch at your convenience, which takes you through initial set up and customization through use of trello for private practice with my custom templates!

My Fave Trello Boards

You’ll be able to copy templates of my five favorite boards so you can hit the ground running!

Review on Your Time

You’ll have access to the replay for as long as you like through my course and membership vault!

This all sounds great!  I’ve Got some Questions…

How do I know if it's right for ME?

Want to get organized and learn a new tool?  Then it’s for you.  Got access to the internet?  Then you can get on Trello, which is a free tool.  When you register, I’ll send you info on how to set up your Trello account (FYI, I have no connection with Trello, just a big fan).

What will the workshop cover?

We’ll look at getting started in Trello, how to conceptualize boards, cards, and lists, how to enter and move information, how to create checklists, how to copy material between cards, lists, and boards, and how to visually organize your systems and routines.  I share my top boards that track my clients and referrals, manage my networking and marketing strategies, organize my weekly tasks, and collect and organize the tools, passwords, and people that make my business run smoothly.  You’ll get those templates to keep. You’ll leave the workshop ready to get started customizing your Trello boards, inspired to organize your routines, and armed with the tools to create your own boards!  

What's the cost?

Forty smackers.  Dude, have I mentioned that you’re losing more money hunting around for the stuff you can’t find?  Your time is a valuable resource.  Invest in this training and you’ll have more of your time back.

When do we meet? And how?

Video is already recorded so you can take this course on your own time!  You can binge on all 90 minutes or start and stop as it works for you.  And did I mention you’ll have access to the replay to watch again and again?  Better than Netflix!

How do I get started?

Click Here or on any of the “apply now” buttons to register.  

Get Organized with the Trello Workshop

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