Intentional Private Practice

Ready to Schedule a Free Initial Clarity Call?

Schedule an initial clarity call.  As my gift to you, we’ll spend around 30 minutes on the phone or via secure video link to clarify your desires from coaching and give you a chance to  explore if we are a good fit.  There is no obligation and you may find just clarifying your goals to be of benefit, whether or not you choose to continue with coaching.  I can’t wait to talk with you!  To get the ball rolling, fill out my clarity call form, which you’ll find here.

Need to send me a message not related to an initial call?  One of the best ways to find and connect with me is through my Facebook Group which you can find at You can also email me directly and I will get back to you.  You can also find useful links to my social media accounts and my offerings on my linktree page.

(Are you a potential therapy client?  Head over to my therapy website.)

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